How Human Design Helped Me Grow My Business

Firstly, Happy New Year! May 2024 be your very best one yet.

Secondly, have you heard of Human Design? If you’re like me, and love all things self-development, learning (and unlearning) how to become the most authentic version of yourself then you may have heard of Human Design already. A bit like astrology, it’s another puzzle piece to help you figure out and recognise your unique gifts and traits.

What has this got to do with business? Well, everything! The good old personal work that is often overlooked on the journey of creating your business or dream life. You can have everything going for you - but, if you have an underlying fear of being seen for example.. or have a core belief that what you do isn’t good enough, well, honey you ain’t gonna get to where you want to be. You’ll likely reach a glass ceiling within areas of your life unless you address and conquer those deep rooted fears and beliefs.

Anyway, I digress. Back to Human Design.

‘’The world floods us with messages about who we should be in order to survive and thrive in this world – but Human Design teaches that the same advice is not correct for everybody.’’ - Jenna Zoe

Human Design basically suggests that everyone on this earth, has their own unique blueprint and energy type. Once we understand what ours is, get to know what makes us ‘us’, then we’re able to spend our energy in the way that is most aligned for us, instead of using that precious energy on how we have been conditioned to be.


They are broken down into 5 different designs:

-Generators - The Life Force

-Manifesting Generators - The Multi-Hyphenate

-Reflectors - The Shape Shifter

-Manifestors - The Fire Starters

- Projectors - The Seers

I’m no HD guru but I know enough that it’s helped me in my business (and life!). If this is sounding like another language to you then there are plenty of resources online. However this corner of the internet is a good place to start - including access to your own free chart via one on my favourite ladies in the Human Design world.


I’m a Manifestor and as a creative, understanding my own Human Design helped me shift the guilt of needing to rest more than others.

People with a Manifestor energy type are designed to work in bursts. We’re here to start things, do things differently and are either working at 200% when we’re in our creative flows, OR once that creative urge has gone and our batteries are low, we require rest and solitude (a lot of it) - more so than other energy types. Empty schedules and space to allow room to honour the creativity when it comes through, is what works well for someone who is a Manifestor.

Grasping that I’m just not designed to be ‘on’ all the time like some people are, and rather than feeling bad for it, I’m able to just remind myself that I’m not made like that. It’s allowed me to understand myself deeper, grasp that I’m meant to disappear for a while whilst I honour my urges and creative bursts, and really allow myself to rest when I’m not in a state of flow.

Did you know that Adele is also a Manifestor? It might help you understand why she spends time creating new music, to then only disappear for a few months. Welcome to my world. It’s how I work best. And when I truly started to understand that, life got a load easier. And don’t get me wrong, I’m massively still finding my way and learning that it’s okay to fully give in to my need for rest without feeling guilty, but I’m getting there!



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